This is a blog about my journey to DIY and Home Improvement since 2006 and this web site has been online for more than a decade. I have a 9-5 full time job in technology and I have been working on these DIY projects as a hobby. For me, it’s not about the cost, it’s more about seeking for quality, creativity and self satisfaction.
It is very hard to find good contractors, otherwise Mike Holmes wouldn’t have a HGTV show for 20+ years. Having said that, you should use your own judgement when Mike Holmes said something is good and you religiously believe in it. He got sponsored by companies to promote products, it’s a TV show, part of it is for entertainment. Do your own research.
We had some bad experience on bad contractors, this is just one of them – Home Depot Installation Service Fail – Garage Door opener fell after 1 week! But even for the good contractors, they will never treat a client’s site as their own house, it’s just another job to them.
The goal of the blog is to help and empower people to work on more DIY projects. I believe most knowledge can be self-taught, don’t underestimate yourself. A lot of projects around your house are DIY-able! I am not a professional by trade, but I believe anyone should be able to get the same high quality result as the good professionals if you have common sense.
My wife has been very supportive (we love watching HGTV) but she never helped me out during the process, Indeed I am glad. So, all projects were done by myself, very slowly – one person with no extra help. I rarely call friends for help unless I absolutely need to. The advantage of DIY is that, it can be flexible in terms of timeline provided that you have good communication with your partner – if you can’t, it’s your problem.
I do have a YouTube channel, click here to SUBSCRIBE